Textbook Buy Back



Buyback FAQs

How much will I get back for my books?

If the Bookstore is buying the book for the upcoming semester, we will give you 45% of the new price of the book.

If the Bookstore is not currently buying the book a US wholesale company (MBS) may offer UP TO 30% of the new price.

What are some reasons my book wouldn't be bought back by the Bookstore?

      a) the book has gone to a new edition
      b) the book is not being used in the upcoming semester 
      c) the book is missing components 
      d) the book is damaged (by liquids or other extensive use)


What do I do if no one is buying my textbook?

       Try to sell it to another student
       Bring it to a future buyback session (if the book is usually used only in summer or fall semester)
       Donate it to Better World Books (there's a box near the doors of the Bookstore - Abbotsford campus)

**The Bookstore DOES NOT buy back loose-leaf textbooks or Coursepacks**